Pastor Michelle Paxton, Vineyard Church of Federal Way
This pandemic has brought a lot of things to the surface for me personally. I can only imagine it has done the same in you. I am pretty good at sustaining a “good” surface when all is well. But when pressure is put on a women that is pretty good at sustaining a good looking surface, some stuff starts to cook (that we don’t want to cook), and bubble over that we try to keep below the surface.
I cannot speak for everyone, but I have had many conversations with other women, who seem to be in a similar place. Our stuff starts to come up and we have two choices; to deal with it, or to not deal with it and let it wreak havoc in our lives and on our loved ones.
The question I have been asking myself this week is, “How do I find enough space to let Jesus deal with my stuff?” If you are reading this, I know you may be coming from a different place. For me, I am coming to this question because I’m doing online school with two of my children, and keeping my toddler entertained during that time. On the days that my stepdaughter is here, I am also focused on her needs as a teenager in this time, which are ever changing. All of this, while still trying to do self-care, time in the Word, eating healthy, exercise, rest, and doing a few things fun for myself. Then of course there are the responsibilities that I had before the pandemic. You might come with similar things, or completely different things. But none the less, all of it is relevant to our pressure cooker of “stuff” that needs to be dealt with.
I would like to encourage you today with a scripture and worship song. Take time (yes, I know for some of you, it’s the impossible – more time!?) to soak in this worship song and scripture. Let this scripture guide and direct you daily as you (and I) battle our stuff from a distance together.
Exodus 14:14 says “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
This requires two things of you: to be still and to let God fight for you. Give him any amount of time and space you have, and he will do the work. The battle is not yours to fight. He’s got it, and only wants you to be still!
Follow up this scripture with the song “Carrying Me”, which was written based on Exodus 14:14, Philippians 4:6-7 & Deuteronomy 31:6:
The Lord will and is Carrying You. Be still, trust Him and let him have His way in your heart, with your stuff, and in your life in this uncertain time.