1925 S 341st Pl, Federal Way, WA 98003 United States


Saturday at 10:00 A.M.


Senior Pastor Aaron Winter

“I want to invite you to join us, as we seek God together as a church family.”

At the Vineyard

We’re striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there is down-to-earth teaching, heart-felt worship, authentic friendship and compassionate care for those in need. In short, we’d like to live a contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time.
Our passion is to encounter God, and experience community. As a Spirit-filled church family that is grounded in God’s Word, our desire is to serve one another in love as we do life together.

Be A Partner

Partnership is connection! We believe Kingdom partnership is the most effective way of doing ministry. With your monthly contribution of $20 or more as an individual, or $25 per couple, you will now reap better benefits than ever before!

Vineyard Church Partnership benefits include:

80% Discount off ALL Hearts of Fire events

Enjoy exclusive upfront seating at ALL in-person events

20% off ALL products in our Hearts of Fire NEW ONLINE STORE

FREE admission to the Revelation Room

FREE admission to the annual Partnership Luncheon

Exclusive encouraging messages from Aaron Winter


How Do I Give?

Several safe and secure methods of giving provide convenient ways to offer your tithes and financially contribute to the Vineyard Church of Federal Way:
By Texting
Text GIVE to this number: (855) 889-8975
By Check
Mail Checks to Vineyard Church of Federal Way, P.O. Box 23773, Federal Way, WA.98093

How Do I Give?

Several safe and secure methods of giving provide convenient ways to offer your tithes and financially contribute to the Vineyard Church of Federal Way:
Vineyard Church
Scan to pay $4VCF
By Check Mail Checks to Vineyard Church of Federal Way, 1925 S 341st Pl, Federal Way, WA 98003 United States

Church Life

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